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Retro Reflections

The cover story for Garnet & Black's spring 2021issue showcases the influence of the 1960s on the 20-21 runway season. But the trends aren't the only similarity. The article details how the social, political, and societal similarities of the two decades might be the cause of such fashion deja vu.  

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Retro Reflections

Retro Reflections was awarded ann Associated Press Pacemaker award in 2021, highlighting leaders in student media. This award meant so much to me as this project was such a collaborative effort. 

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The Tweet That Turned Their Case Upside Down

UofSC alumni update focused on Stephanie Durso Mullin's new true crime novel, the Family Tree. Article produced for the university's alumni magazine, Intercom. 

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Storytelling From the Start 

UofSC alumni update featuring Alumni Taylor Jennings Brown and her journey into the world of audio storytelling through landing a coveted NPR Kroc Fellowship. Article produced for the university's alumni magazine, Intercom, and published on the University Website.


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The Prince of Prints and
his Influence on Florence

An article detailing the life and impact of Florence Born fashion designer Emilio Pucci, written for the student-produced magazine, Blending spring 2021issue, at Florence University of the Arts. 

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The Prince of Prints and
his Influence on Florence

That spring, fashion students at FUA utilized recycled archival Pucci fabrics in their spring 2021 collection. And with the welcoming of a new creative director for the historic brand, this article seems all the more poignant.




Don't You Forget About Them, Addressing a Lack of Diversity in Cult Classics 

Cover Story for Garnet & Black's Fall 2021 issue, part of a three-article series examining fashion's impact on the entertainment industry. This project started as a project on the lack of diversity in film and how much farther the entertainment industry has to go in terms of representation. It turned into an open conversation about the importance of representation in media, and its effect on our society and our values.

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Don't You Forget About Them, Addressing a Lack of Diversity in Cult Classics 

To show this we reimagined iconic movie scenes from movies such as the breakfast club, Ferris Bruller's day off, and Mean Girls but with a cast of characters that exemplifies the diversity and representation, we should be seeing on screen. 

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The Prince of Prints and
his Influence on Florence

An article detailing the life and impact of Florence Born fashion designer Emilio Pucci, written for the student-produced magazine, Blending spring 2021issue, at Florence University of the Arts. 

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The Prince of Prints and
his Influence on Florence

That spring, fashion students at FUA utilized recycled archival Pucci fabrics in their spring 2021 collection. And with the welcoming of a new creative director for the historic brand, this article seems all the more poignant.

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Cultivating a Community of Creatives E- Portfolio Essays

“Students who earn Graduation with Leadership Distinction (GLD) demonstrate extensive, purposeful engagement beyond the classroom, understanding of course concepts in “real world” settings, and application of learning to make decisions and solve problems.” 

I was honored to receive a1st place presentation award from our office of undergraduate research for my presentation of my GLD E-Portfolio. 

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Cultivating a Community of Creatives E- Portfolio Essays





By pursuing GLD in the Professional and Civic Engagement pathway, I was able to reflect on my time at the University of South Carolina. Through a series of essays, I will demonstrate how through two internships, a senior student leadership position, learning during a pandemic, and many influential mentors and professors, have allowed me to learn professional leadership lessons and skills that I cannot wait to introduce to my future workplace.

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The Granite Mecca
of the Midlands

An investigative article into the trials, tribulations, tragedies, and owners of the 160 year old historic Olympia/ Granby quarry. This article examines the safety concerns of the Granby/Olympia area and the failings of the City of Columbia, the University of South Carolina, DHEC, and the Vulcan Quarry in the wake of two student deaths within the last year. 

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The Granite Mecca
of the Midlands

The body of research used in producing this article is now on display at the Granby- Olympia museum located in Columbia, South Carolina. 

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